Editing Services

Novel Writing

A book is a reflection of the writer in so many ways. Not only is it a story the author wants to tell, but it is also a glimpse into the soul of the author. With this in mind, you aim to present the best image possible to your potential readers, so you want the book to go out without spelling, grammatical, or punctuation errors unless you intend to put them there. A writer often has trouble finding these because our mind automatically corrects what we know is there! That’s where a proof-editor comes in, someone who can spot the errors in a manuscript.

A more thorough editing job can look at the whole story, looking for flow problems, plot holes, and other ways to improve the novel. A copy editor will give suggestions to make your writing flow better and let you know where something might be confusing. A full read-through with notes takes time but can be worth it to improve your book.

Technical Writing, Blogs, and Essays

How many times have you bought a product and had trouble following the instructions that came with it? Sometimes, it’s poor English, and other times it’s too confusing.

The problem with many technical manuals or instructions is that they aren’t written clearly enough for the people who need to use the material. When a technical person writes a manual, it may not be in terms the layman — their user — can understand. Here’s where a technical editor can give you valuable insight or write the document for you.

I specialize in copy editing and proof editing for novelists and bloggers. Contact me at Rene Averett (RPAverett@gmail.com) for more information and reasonable rates on editing services. To see some of the books I’ve edited, go to my Books Edited page.